The Creative Visualization MP3 Experience Vivid & Realistic Visualizations ON DEMAND This is my review of The Creative Visualization MP3
, which uses proven brainwave entrainment technologies to help you experience vivid, realistic & emotive visualisations - every time. What this means to you is you can be assured of an enjoyable, detailed & effective Visualization every time you use it. You'll feel deeply relaxed & create "crystal clear" representations of living your dream life - even if you've never managed to visualize before. Visualization will become simple, natural & lots of fun. You'll start to get results - starting now. The Only Question is: What Would You Love To Create? You can get instant access to The Creative Visualization MP3 now for less than $15. Oh yeah.  NOTE: This is a detailed review. I believe in this product so deeply that I wanted to answer any potential question you might have. I also know that some of you won't have the time - nor inclination - to spend 10 minutes reading a comprehensive review for a low-priced product ($14 for basic MP3, $70 for the top-of-the-range package). If that's you, you can jump at the speed of light to the specific info you require by clicking one of the links below. - What this MP3 does for you - Why you must master the key principles of visualization - The typical challenges you'll encounter with visualization - How The Creative Visualization MP3 Works - Who am I? - What is BrainWave Entrainment? - How to use the MP3 once you've got it - Upgrade to The Ultimate Visualization Package - Guarantee + Why Trust Unexplainable Store? - Bonus: The Visualization Matrix - Buy The Creative Visualization MP3 Now Otherwise, if you want to get all the info before making your decision, simply read on! Change at a Subconscious Level --> More Success The Creative Visualization MP3 helps you to create more success, and more of the experiences you want, by taking advantage of leading brainwave entrainment technology. What this really means to you is that you'll likely reach your goals quicker & more effortlessly - because by using regularly you will increase your desire for creating what you want; gain confidence; get ideas & insights; and feel more compelled to take action. You'll also influence your subconscious mind more & more over time - resulting in more natural happiness, well-being & continued success. This MP3 will help you to master visualization, taking away the bulk of the trial & error. It's really the only tool for visualization you are likely to need, and I give it my highest personal recommendation. Plus, it's only 20 minutes long, so even the busiest person on the planet can find time to benefit from The Power of Visualization. Find out more now ... Master the Key Principles of Visualization
As you'll already know if you've studied & practiced the Basic Visualization Technique, the keys to success in visualization are: - Get in a deeply relaxed state (alpha brain waves)
- Visualise in detail (sounds, smells, people, locations, etc)
- Add strong emotions
The Creative Visualization MP3 helps with ALL of these steps. I'll explain how below, but rest assured that this MP3 was deliberately engineered to address these requirements - and it does. Overcome Typical Challenges of Visualization Now, if you've tried creative visualization before you'll know that experiencing relaxed, detailed & emotive visualizations can be a little... easier said than done. To elaborate: Getting deeply relaxed is tricky enough if you're not an experienced meditator. It's hard to "switch off" in the manic world we live in. Also, visualizing in detail is difficult unless you've done some sort of NLP / self-hypnosis training. Creating vivid pictures in our minds can be a challenge, full stop. And most importantly, adding strong emotions can be practically impossible. How do you "feel" success if you've never really experienced it? Hmm... Luckily, The Creative Visualization MP3 will turbo-charge your results in all of these areas… even if you're the kind of person who swears they "can't visualise". With this, you could be experiencing gorgeous, profound visualizations... Today.  How The Creative Visualization MP3 Works
If you've read this far, you'll probably be curious to know how this MP3 actually works. Let me explain: First, you'll enter a deeply meditative state, thanks to the alpha brainwaves the MP3 induces. This feels a bit like taking a nap. Being alert when your brain is in alpha has been proven to be highly beneficial - with the pros ranging from a deep sense of relaxation to an increase in the production of your brain's "happy chemicals". In short, you'll feel like you're meditating (and gain all the benefits of that, too). And no, you don't have to "do anything" to get into alpha - simply "press play" and let go. Taking a couple of deep breaths helps - but that's basically it. Next, you'll be able to generate clear & crisp representations of your goals & dream life (i.e. "visualisations"), because your brain is in a highly receptive state - and you have much better access to your subconscious mind. You'll see more, hear more, and learn more. You'll create vivid & unexpected details when you visualize, which also increase the results. The more "real" the visualization is, the more your brain "thinks" it's really happening. In short, you'll "see, hear & feel" so much detail your subconscious believes you are experiencing real memories - and adapts your self-image as a result. Finally, the positive emotions generated (confidence, success, wealth etc) will feel realistic & compelling - because they are produced by your subconscious mind. Not only does this feel very good, but you are also speaking in "the language of the subconscious" - essential for integrating long-term changes to the self-image. Basically, you'll change your deepest beliefs about what's possible for you at an unconscious level. And this can have dramatic effects on the results you get in life. So if you've dreamt of experiencing crystal-clear, compelling & vivid visualisations - but haven't been able to manage this on your own - I can highly recommend The Creative Visualization MP3 as the solution to your problems. Get it now, starting at a rather magnificent $14.99... Who Am I ?
As some as you may know, I'm Carl - and amongst other things, I'm an expert on Brainwave Entrainment Technologies. I run a popular Binaural Beats Website & I've been featured in global publications like The Washington Post for my expertise. The Creative Visualization MP3 is by far the best aid I've used for visualising, out of the 100's of tools I've tried. Yep, honestly!! I've made $1000's selling BWE tools - and genuinely, this MP3 is absolutely the one you want for visualization. There are much more expensive MP3s ($300+) I could recommend, but they don't do the job as efficiently as this inexpensive MP3. Plus, I personally worked with the market-leading retailer of Brainwave Entrainment Tools - Unexplainable Store - to refine & develop this MP3, until I was personally satisfied it helped create perfect visualizations, every single time it was used.
I'm convinced this is the best tool "out there" for visualization. And best of all, it's an inexpensive solution - particularly considering the wealth of benefits available when you start using it... Imagine the return on investment you could get from $15!  What is BrainWave Entrainment ?
As mentioned above, The Creative Visualization MP3 uses BrainWave Entrainment (BWE) Technology. BWE technologies - such as Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones - use soundwaves to gently & naturally change your brainwaves. They have been proven to work in countless research & clinical trials, and are used by millions globally. They don't require skill - and studies have proven that they work whether you "want them to" or not! Basically, BWE will take you safely & naturally to the dreamy state of alpha waves - the storehouse of your subconscious mind! If you want more info on BWE, visit Binaural Beats .
NOTE: I'd recommend you opt for Isochronic Tones. Although they are slightly more expensive than Binaural Beats, they are more powerful & the most advanced form of this technology. In short, it's worth spending a couple of extra dollars for the best results. In my opinion, anyway. Go take a look now. How To Use The Creative Visualization MP3
The good news is that it's pretty damn easy to use The Creative Visualization MP3. First of all, it's an instant download. Instant gratification, baby! All you do is open & "unzip" the MP3 file, then simply get somewhere comfortable and put some headphones on. Then, press "play" on your computer's audio player; iPod, iPhone (etc), take some deep breaths, and as you relax… begin to visualize. Easy. Feel free to follow my Basic Visualization Technique for best results. But know that The Creative Visualization MP3 does all the "hard work" for you, so you'll be in the perfect state of mind to visualize. Simply sit back & enjoy the results! NOTE: By listening to this MP3, you will enter an altered state - somewhere between consciousness & unconsciousness. Whilst it feels like being a deep meditation (very relaxing, quiet & peaceful), your mind is freed to imagine - in great detail - you living your dream life. Simply allow pictures to fly into your mind... and enjoy! You'll notice details, perceptions, ideas & action-steps to take - all from the comfort of your own imagination. Plus, you'll enjoy powerful positive emotions - such as confidence, self-assurance & wealth. Enjoy the journey - even if it feels a bit strange at first, you'll grow to love it... particularly as you start to experience the full benefits of visualization. Upgrade: The Ultimate Visualization Package
Although the MP3 alone will work great for beginners, I've worked with Jim McElwee, CEO of Unexplainable Store to create the ultimate package of brainwave entrainment tools for fans of visualization. It's called... somewhat unsurprisingly: The Ultimate Visualization Package Get it now!
(Just scroll down to the bottom of next page) Together, Jim & I have created a high-value package for people looking to maximise results with visualization. This is for you if you kinda want results, yesterday. It's packed full of awesomeness for your brain. The Ultimate Visualization Package contains The Creative Visualization MP3, plus an additional 4 related recordings. NOTE: these recordings are amongst the best selling binaural beats sold globally - because they work! - and you can get them at a big discount. Contents of The Ultimate Visualization Package - Creative Visualization MP3 - 20 mins
- Creative Free Flow - 20 mins
- Manifestation - 30 mins
- Path to Success - 20 mins
- Peak Performance - 20 mins
These high-quality MP3s greatly add to your visualization practice by increasing your creative thinking & ability to "manifest" what you want, as well as replicating the brain activity of "success" & "peak performance". In short, you'll feel like the most inspired version of you... more often. Boom. PS - I personally own & use all of these recordings, and they are ideal for people determined to get BIG results from visualization. In fact, if you took 90 minutes to listen to all of these MP3s in order, you'd be in a fantastic, heightened state of consciousness. Try it! GOOD NEWS! For a limited time, you can get the entire package half-price, for just $50 for binaural beats, or $70 for isochronic tones. This is a cracking price for a package which will have a profound impact on your mental & physical well-being. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page to get The Ultimate Visualization deal. Guarantee + Why Trust Unexplainable Store?
First of all, both The Creative Visualization MP3 & The Ultimate Visualization Package are protected by a 60 day money-back-guarantee. In short, give the recordings a go for 2 full months - and if you don't experience profound improvements in: - Your ability to visualize
- Your ability to access deep, meditative states
- Your overall confidence & well-being
- The results you are seeing in "real life"
- A dramatic improvement in ideas & creativity ... AND
- More money & success
… Simply email Jim and get all your money back. It's honestly that easy. Plus, if you do get a refund, you get to keep the MP3s anyway! NOTE: Unexplainable Store has been trading for over 10 years, and they are the market-leader for low cost binaural beats & isochronic tones. Also, all purchases are protected by Clickbank, which processes hundreds of millions of internet transactions every year. In short, you're totally protected. I've organised this deal so it's a total no-brainer for people who want to get results from visualization - risk-free. Give it a try today and you'll see what I mean. Bonus
If you buy either The Creative Visualization MP3 or The Ultimate Visualization Package, send an email with proof of purchase to carl.j.harvey (AT) In return, I'll send you a copy of my exclusive Visualization Matrix - which is the exact document I use to plan all my visualizations - with great results. This will quickly empower you to: - structure your visualization like a pro
- know exactly what you're going to visualize
- what order to do everything in
- feel emotions - practically on demand
- stimulate creativity & get new ideas…
- and much more.
This is a special gift to say "thank you" for trusting in me & my recommendation. In return, you'll get the secrets of my visualizations - which have helped me to create a work-from-home empire during a recession! Pretty fair deal, I say! This is not currently available for sale - it is an EXCLUSIVE bonus for users of The Creative Visualization MP3. Don't miss out on this awesome tool!  PS - If you've read this far, and you've still got questions, why not give it a go risk free for 2 months? If you don't love it, get your money back with one email. The potential upside is huge. Plus, you'll probably love it within about 2 minutes. PPS - Speaking of the upside, why not Stop Now & Imagine your dream life for a few seconds? What kind of impact could it have on you to feel even better than this every day? And is this feeling every day worth one payment of $15? Yep, thought so. Honestly, I love this MP3, it could potentially have a huge impact on you. Seriously. By now, trust your instincts & treat your body & mind to The Creative Visualization MP3! Still not convinced? Was it something I said?! Maybe you'd like my free Visualization Starter Kit, which includes samples of the MP3, plus lots of cool info & extras. This free package will get you well on your way to visualization mastery...  |