
Welcome to your Exclusive Visualization Training Area! 

Congratulations on making a great decision!

The information on this page will empower you to visualize like a pro, attract more money and change your self-image towards money. In short, you going to start "thinking rich", feeling rich... and acting rich... Fast. + Bonuses are below.

You can watch the video below in standard definition, or download it to watch on your computer in glorious High Definition. Be sure to get comfortable, take notes, and above all... PUT WHAT YOU'RE LEARNING INTO PRACTICE!!  Don't "learn" it.... DO IT!

IMPORTANT: The password for the video is dreamlife

IMPORTANT: The password for the video is dreamlife

Download the Video in High Definition (HD)
NOTE: This is a VERY BIG file, so unless you're running a NASA computer, it's gonna take a while to download :-)


Here are your three special bonuses, which will really help you to MAXIMISE your results. My gifts to you!

1) Binaural Beats Visualization MP3 (usually $30). Use this powerful technology to enter the ALPHA STATE of mind, which is perfect for visualization. Use headphones, press play, and allow the sounds to take you into a state of peace & bliss... and then start your visualization. Use this MP3 whenever you visualize for the best possible results!


2) Wealth Wizard Hypnosis MP3 (usually $37). This incredible 30 minute hypnosis recording, from world famous hypnotist Adam Eason, will accelerate your results by changing your deepest subconsious beliefs about money. Listen with headphones and be amazed at how fast change can happen... this really is fun, powerful & fascinating stuff... get that "money consciousness" at a deep level right now!


3) "How to Visualize" Quick-Start Guide. This easy-reference eBook covers the 5 steps of my visualization system, plus a template for you to plan your visualization sessions. Print off a copy and use it to make sure you're doing everything by the book!


Download instructions:

1) Right click, and "save target as" (Windows) or "save link as" (Mac)
2) Save the file to your computer
3) For bonuses 1&2 (MP3 audio files), "unzip" the file and play in iTunes (or similar). If you can't unzip the file, use something like this
4) For bonus 3 (PDF), you may need to download Adobe Reader (free).

Payment Terms

As per the agreement on the sign-up page, here's the deal:

Watch the video, listen to the visualization MP3 and the hypnosis MP3... read the ebook.... and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of visualization. Try it out... give it your best shot... and do whatever you can to *experience* the emotions of wealth & success.

If you DON'T feel inspired, amazed, excited & curious to do more visualization... and you don't feel that the information, advice, strategies and system used in the video are worth AT LEAST £300 (TEN times more than your investment)... then just send a quick email to carl@starsofwellbeing.com , letting me know what went wrong... and you won't have to pay me a penny. You can even keep what you've downloaded as my way of saying "thanks!"

If you DO feel that what I'm teaching you is useful, practical, inspiring... and potentially AWESOME for you and your finances, DO NOTHING and I will send you an invoice in a day or two. Look out for an email from service@paypal.co.uk with the subject "PayPal money request for Visualization Training Extravaganza!" This will be an invoice for just £30. You can pay using PayPal, or if you prefer, a major credit card. It's totally safe & secure, fast, and I'll be emailed when your payment clears.

I totally get that all the "risk" is being taken by me... but I trust you as an honest person, so I'm totally happy to do it :-)

AS ANOTHER SPECIAL BONUS, as soon as you make your payment of £30 I will send you ANOTHER incredible gift... from the world's biggest self-esteem guru... he's got some insights into wealth and abundance that you'll just LOVE to hear... which will totally compliment what I'm sharing with you.... This guy has transformed his life and is a multi-millionaire... and you get to find out his secrets... It's perfect for you :-)


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